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Summer Holiday Homework

                              Tarea de vacacion de verano Class 7      Week 1 LAS PELÍCULAS QUE PODÉIS VER (Opcional) 1.      COCO Click on the link to watch the movie Q1. Escribe la conjugación de los siguientes verbos  en el futuro   Secar  ________________________________________________________________  decidir – ________________________________________________________________ Caminar -                  ________________________________________________________________ Tener                      ___________________________________________________________...
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Revision - El futuro or The future fense

Revision :  EL FUTURO (FUTURE TENSE)  CLASS - 7 Last year in class 6, we studied present tense in Spanish. We learnt to conjugate verbs in present tense and frame simple sentences. This year we will be covering Past and Future Tense. Before we start our topic, lets take a quick recap of verbs from last year :  a) There are two types of verbs :   - regular and irregular b) Verbs are divided into three categories : ar ending, er ending and ir ending.    ej. Habl ar , Com er , viv ir c) To conjugate the verbs in present tense, we first remove the ending of the verb then add the following ej. Hablar - Yo hablo tres lenguas                             Él vive en Estados Unidos de America         ...

Los Interogativos

Buenos días estudiantes, I hope all of you are fine. Today we are going to learn some question words, we will also learn to make interrogative sentences with those words.  In this lesson we will learn how to ask questions in Spanish. First, I analyse the structure of the questions with an answer of 'yes' or 'no', which in Spanish is the same as that of the normal sentences. The only difference is the intonation, that is, the variation in the tone of voice. Next, we will se how the questions in which the answer you are looking for is information are constructed in Spanish, which are always introduced by an interrogative (what, who, which, where, when, how, how much or why). F ew Instructions  1. Note down  the work in your register on a regular basis. 2. Notify me about  your presence in the class  as soon as you join, in the comment section. Just  write " Good Morning" along with your name . 3. AS ALREADY MENTIONED,YOU CAN USE ANY NOTEBOOK...